Los Algodones Dentist – Vivant Desing Smile – México

Lunes a Viernes 8:00AM – 04:00PM / Sábado 8:00AM – 2:00PM

Home – Dental Crown

Dental Crown at Vivant Smile Design: Restoring Smiles with Excellence.

There are several methods to determine if we need dental treatment, but visiting a dentist is the most crucial. In this case, it is a dental crown; However, before making a decision, we recommend that you visit your preferred dental surgeon at Vivant Smile Design where you will find the best care for your procedure.

It is important to note that a dental crown is a prosthetic restoration that is permanently molded and its cost can vary depending on several factors. Therefore, it has no similarity with removable dentures. These crowns are fixed using bridges on teeth or implants that are already installed. Because only a dental surgeon can remove or replace it, you must visit us at our clinic located in Los Algodones. A dental crown is used to cover a destroyed tooth or a cavity in its entirety. In addition to protecting the tooth, it improves its appearance, shape and alignment. The porcelain crown is the most popular option and can be made to match the color of the natural tooth.

If you live near the border between the United States and Mexico, in Arizona or California, Los Algodones is the best place to get a dental crown, and Vivant Smile Design is the clinic where you will get the care you need for the health of your teeth.

Dental Crown: What is it and why do you need it?

A dental crown, also known as a dental cap, is a cap designed to protect a damaged, weakened, or irregularly shaped tooth. These crowns are made of high-quality materials, such as porcelain or ceramic, that mimic the appearance of natural teeth. It is important to use dental crowns for several reasons:Solution to Dental Problems: They are used to treat teeth with extensive cavities, fractures, excessive wear or after a root canal treatment.

  1. Restoration of Function: Crowns help damaged teeth chew,and help you speak without problems.
  2. Strengthening: Strengthens and protects weakened teeth, reducing the risk of fractures and further damage.
  3. Aesthetic Improvement: Teeth improve appearance because they can correct color, shape and size, resulting in a more uniform, attractive smile.

Materials for Dental Crowns and Placement Procedure:

Materials for Dental Crowns and Placement Procedure:

For our dental crowns, Vivant Smile Design uses the best quality ceramic and porcelain (e-max, zirconia). These materials guarantee a natural appearance and durability.

The placement of dental crowns is usually done in two visits:

  1. Tooth Preparation: To prepare the affected tooth, the dentist removes any cavities or damaged tooth structure. After that, a precise impression is taken to make a unique crown.
  2. Crown Placement: The crown is placed over the prepared tooth and carefully adjusted to ensure a perfect fit. The crown restores the functionality and appearance of the tooth by bonding securely.

How to Know if You Need a Dental Crown Placement Procedure?

You may need a dental crown if you experience:

Persistent tooth pain or sensitivity.

Fractured or weakened teeth.

Extensive dental caries.

You need to improve the appearance of your teeth.

Our team of experts will evaluate your situation and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Why choose a dental bridge?
How are crowns and bridges made?

Dental bridges are an option when a tooth or several adjacent teeth are missing. We use dental crowns to cover neighboring teeth, Called abutments or anchor teeth, and attach them to artificially replaced teeth, called pontics. This restores chewing function and improves appearance.

Crowns and bridges are custom made in our dental laboratory, ensuring a perfect fit and natural appearance. We use cutting-edge technology and high-quality materials to create long-lasting, beautiful restorations.

At Vivant Smile Design, we are committed to excellence in smile restoration. Our Dental Crown and Bridges service is an investment in your dental health and confidence. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out how we can help you regain a full, dazzling smile.

We hope to see you soon at Vivant Smile Design!

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Tu sonrisa merece un cuidado profesional y personal. Es por eso que nuestro equipo está aquí para brindar atención dental integral. Ya sea un diseño de sonrisa, implantes dentales, coronas, rehabilitación oral, carillas, empastes y onlays, o simplemente un chequeo y limpieza, estamos aquí para ayudarlo.

¡Creemos sinceramente que visitar a un dentista no debería ser una experiencia aterradora o estresante! ¡Brindamos una experiencia de relajación igualmente cómoda para todos nuestros pacientes!

    • Contact:

      +1 (928) 287-7034
      +1 (928) 459-6494

    • Location:

      Av. A 235, Vicente Guerrero, 21970 Vicente Guerrero, B.C.

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