Dental plan for companies with up to 60% discount.

Discover why Vivant is the leader in corporate dental plans in Mexico and the U.S. with more than 100,000 employees insured with its dental services.

Viavnt Dental Insurance for all types of companies.

At Vivant, we understand the importance of contributing to improving the health and quality of life of the workforce. Our business insurance is designed to provide high-quality dental care, providing significant benefits for both your business and your employees, regardless of the company’s line of business or size.

Why purchase Dental Insurance for your company?

Vivant offers plans to keep your employees in optimal dental health conditions, with a preventive approach, giving them access to excellent dental services, increasing the possibility of avoiding expensive treatments and much more complex and invasive conditions, as well as systemic ones.

Encourage employee loyalty with Vivant Dental Insurance

  • Enriquece tus programas Wellness. Es el complemento perfecto para tus programas de bienestar al facilitar el acceso a una atención de calidad dental.

  • Prestación de valor. Cobertura que se traduce en un beneficio tangible, de uso inmediato para tus colaboradores.

  • Se puede integrar a la póliza de gastos médicos mayores, como complemento para una protección integral, o adquirir de forma independiente.

Key Benefits of Dental Insurance in the Business Environment

Immediate Coverage

From day one, covering pre-existing conditions, with no age limit or medical selection processes.


Tailored plans to meet the needs that each client requires for their employees.

Inversión inteligente

Tailor-made plans allow us to offer a wide variety of premiums that fit the company’s budget, and are also tax-deductible.

Network of dentists in Mexico and the US

With quality care and timely diagnoses wherever your employees are.

Commitment to policyholders

The network’s specialists are rigorously evaluated to meet Dentegra quality standards.

Discounts on other procedures

We offer special prices on treatments that are not covered by the contracted plan*

Do the math! Improving your coverage is easier
and more convenient than you think.

With insurance¹

Example with a 20% copayment depending on the contracted plan. VivantSeguros also offers a 20% discount on non-covered procedures. (Check the terms of your contracted plan).

Without insurance²

² Fees depend on the type of season, materials used or promotions.

And you? How much are you paying for
your treatments without dental insurance?

Positive impact on the work environment through:

Dental health talks

To encourage the use of insurance, provide information on coverage and promote a culture of prevention.

Dental and vision health campaigns

An initiative to promote the dental and visual health of your employees, through evaluations at your company’s facilities (Check availability and requirements with the sales executive).

Recognition of effort
  • Demonstrates genuine commitment to employee well-being.
  • Contributes to improving their health and, therefore, their quality of life.
  • Promotes the attraction and retention of talent.
  • Increases productivity and reduces absenteeism.

How do our dental memberships work?

Choose your dental membership

Select the dental memberships that fit your company’s needs.


Complete the subscription process quickly and easily.

Start saving

Schedule your appointment and enjoy special discounts on our treatments.

Business Plans

We offer two modalities to adapt to the needs of your company:


The company may choose to contract memberships that allow its employees and their families to access our dental services with special discounts on all treatments.

Cashflow Dental

“Using this scheme, the company allocates a fund to help cover the costs of dental treatments needed to improve the oral health of its employees. This fund can be used according to the individual needs of each employee.”

Dental coverage for your employees

At Vivant, we have the best plans to offer you the dental plan with the ideal coverage
and scope for your insured, maximizing your investment.

Diagnosis and prevention

Oral evaluation, X-rays, cleanings, amalgams and resins.


Extracciones simples, extracción de muelas del juicio y otros.

Root canals and more

Removal of dental nerve and other superior treatments.

Coverage plan

Choose the coverage package for your equipment.

Diagnosis and prevention

We have specialized and cutting-edge areas and equipment.

Vivant Health

We have a network of health services and Esthetician

Save up to 25% on the cost of your insurance premium!

We offer dental coverage designed for companies of all sizes

Whether you are looking to implement dental insurance for the first time, change 

brokers or expand the portfolio of benefits for your employees, at Vivant we 

have solutions that adapt to the needs of your company.

Dental Coverage for Startups

  • Flexible and affordable dental coverage, ideal for growing companies, with customized options to fit your team's needs.
  • Starting at: 5 insured
  • Advantages of offering dental insurance:
  • Offering dental insurance helps attract and retain employees
  • Health benefits strengthen your company culture
  • Dental insurance can be tax deductible
  • A healthy team is more productive
  • You generate savings for your employees on dental expenses

Dental Coverage for Corporates

  • Flexible and affordable dental coverage, ideal for growing companies, with customized options to fit your team's needs.
  • Starting at: 500 insured
  • Advantages of offering dental insurance:
  • Offering dental insurance helps attract and retain employees
  • Health benefits strengthen your company culture
  • Dental insurance can be tax deductible
  • A healthy team is more productive
  • You generate savings for your employees on dental expenses

Dental Coverage for Startups

  • Flexible and affordable dental coverage, ideal for growing companies, with customized options to adapt to the needs of your team.
  • Starting at: 50 insured
  • Advantages of offering dental insurance:
  • Offering dental insurance helps attract and retain
  • Health benefits strengthen your company culture
  • Dental insurance can be tax deductible
  • A healthy team is more productive
  • You generate savings for your employees on dental expenses

Ave. A #235 Vicente Guerrero,Los Algodones B.C. Mexico 21970| Phone: +1 (928) 287-7034  | Email:

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